
Fiches bibliographiques: J.-K. Huysmans
Hector Talvart
Paris: Henry Goulet


Part of a series of cards containing detailed bibliographic information about nineteenth century French authors. Those covering Huysmans — five in all (by contrast Victor Hugo merits 10) — are printed front and back, with information about the various editions of Huysmans' work as well as a list of useful critical reading matter. The Bibliothèque nationale lists Hector Talvart as the author, though his name appears nowhere on the cards themselves, which bear only that of the publisher Henry Goulet and the printer Jean Foucher. Talvart would later use the information from these cards for his Bibliographie des auteurs modernes de langue française (1801-1927), which he published between 1928 and 1950 with the help of Joseph Place, who had been working on a project along similar lines.